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Went fishing this past weekend in Fort Desoto and caught 4 black drum and many silver and spotted trout. The black drum were in huge schools swimming near the surface, it's amazing to see that many hu ...

Looking for some different ideas to keep fishing cheap? Using only artificial lures is much cheaper than buying bait every time, if you do buy bait keep the left over bait and freeze it for next time. ...

Senator Joe Negron has introduced senate bill #744 that states "a recreational freshwater or saltwater fishing license or permit is not required of any resident or non resident to fish in this state." ...

Where is the best area to fish in Florida for inshore species (tarpon, snook, trout, redfish)? ...

What is your favorite lure/bait for Florida Redfish? I'll start it off, I like to use a 1/4 oz weedless gold spoon, easy to use and produces great results. ...

Blue crabs are the bait of choice for many Florida anglers targeting Tarpon, Black Drum and other Florida species. Blue crabs can be rigged cut in half or whole. Insert the hook in the light colored, ...

Pinfish can be rigged many different ways depending on the location you are fishing and the type of presentation you want your bait to have. Inserting the hook more towards the head (like the picture ...

A live shrimp and a jighead can be deadly on many Florida inshore species when used in the right situation. These rigs are used when strong current is present or when wanting to fish a live shrimp lik ...

Fiddler crabs are great bait for many Florida fish but most widely used to catch sheepshead. A small hook is needed when using these small crabs as bait, a size 1 - 1/0 is best for this. Insert hook ...